
at the



The American Business for Legal Immigration, and 418 Companies that want to import more High-Tech Braceros, sent this letter to the entire House of Representatives. Our congressmen went hog wild. 



American Business for Legal Immigration or 

the  National Association of Manufacturers
1331 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington DC 20004-1790
(202) 637-3133  
Fax: (202) 637-3182  E-mail:


3Com Corporation  LTX Corporation 
3M Lucas Digital Ltd. LLC 
ABB Magotteaux, Inc.
Acrylis MAMMA.COM 
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.  ManagedOps.com 
Ajilon  The Management Association of Illinois 
Akamai Technologies  MAPICS, Inc. 
ALCOA  MAP Mobile Communications Inc. 
Alexander LAN, Inc.  Market - Touch Corporation 
Altawave Iric.  Massachusetts Institute of Technology 
Alternative System Concepts, Inc,  Massachusetts Software & Internet Council 
Altris Software, Inc.  Massachusetts Technology Development Corporation O
AMD  The Math Works, Inc. 
Amdahl Corporation  Maytag Corporation 
American Association of State Colleges and Universities  McClean Anderson, Division of ISAMI 
American Council on Education  McKesson HBOC, Inc. 
American Council on International Personnel  McKinsey & Company 
American Electronics Association  MCK Communications 
American Financial Systems, Inc.  Mercator Ventures LLC 
American Immigration Lawyers Association  Mercury Computer Systems, Inc. 
American Information Technology Corporation  Merrill Lynch 
America Online, Inc.  Methods Machine Tools, Inc. 
American Power Conversion  MetLife 
Amgen  Metrix, Inc. 
AMOS Image Payment Systems  MicroCoating Technologies, Inc. 
Analog Devices, Inc.  Micron Technology 
Apple  Microsoft 
Appleton Coated LLC  Microstrategy, Inc. 
Appleton Papers Inc.  Milsco Mfg Co. 
Applied Films  MMC Networks, Inc. 
Applied Materials, Inc.  Moldflow Corporation 
Applied Science and Technology  Monticello Hardwood Inc. 
Applix, Inc.  Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co. 
AppNet, Inc.  Motorola 
Archelon LLC  MSX International, Inc. 
Armstrong World Industries, Inc.  MULTEXCOM, Inc. 
ArrAy Inc.  MyBeauCounter.com 
Artech Information Systems, LLC  National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities 
Asset Sciences Inc.  NAFSA: Association of International Educators 
Association of American Universities  National Association of Manufacturers 
Association of Independent Research Institutes  National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges 
Atlanta Technologies & Systems, Inc.  National Data Corporation 
Atlas Software Technologies, Inc. National Radio Astronomy Observatory
ATMI, Inc.  Natural MicroSystems
Auriga, Inc.  NCR Corporation
Auspex Systems, Inc.  NetCentric Corporation
Auspice, Inc.  Neteos, Inc.
Autecs  NetNumina Solutions, Inc.
Authoria, Inc.  Nevo Technologies, Inc.
Aware, Inc.  New England Council, American
AxcessNet Ltd.  ElectronicsAssociation
Axiomatic Design Software, Inc.  New Era of Networks (NEON)
Axsun Technologies, Inc.  New Jersey Pioneer Data Systems, Inc.
Barilla America, Inc. Nextel Partners
Basis Technology Northern Virginia Technology Council
BCI Commcor Northwestern University
BD Novartis Corporation
Beacon Networks Novell
Bechtel NTRU Cryptosystems, Inc.
Be Free, Inc. Object Management Group
Bellingham Whatcom Economic Development Council ON Semiconductor
Bellsoft Inc. Open Software Associates, Inc.
BellSouth International, Inc. OpTech
Best@IT Inc. Oracle Corporation
Biotechnology industry organization OrderTrust
BIT Group Owens-Illinois, Inc,
Blue Fang Games Pace Analytical Services, Inc.
B1ueStreak.com Paget Capital LLC
BMC Software,Inc Panuvistra, Inc.
Bobst Group, Inc. Passkey.com, Inc.
Bosch Automation Patriot Scientific Corporation
Bradford Business Systems, Inc. Pelton Co.
Brandeis University Petro Vend, Inc.
Brooks Automation Phillips Petroleum Company
Brooktrout Technology, Inc. Photronics, Inc.
Burr-Brown Corporation Photuris, Inc.
Business Software Alliance Pink Elephant Chicago, Inc,
Cabletron Plaut Consulting Inc.
California Insitute of Technology Pricecontainer.com Inc.
Cambridge Publications, Inc. Power Center Software LLC
Capital Technology Information Services PowerQuest
Cargill Lie. Praxair, Inc.
Carleton College PRI Automation
Caterpillar Inc. PricewaterhouseCoopers
Cheshire Software, hie. Princeton University
Chevron Overseas Petroleum Inc. The Procter & Gamble Company
Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce Quantum Corporation
Cisco Systems, Inc. Radiowave.com
Clare Ramp Networks, Inc.
Collaborative Communications, Inc. Ramtron International Corporation
College & University Personnel Association Realworld 00 Systems LLC
Colorado School of Mines Reed Elsevier, Inc.
The Comdyn Group The Richelieu Family of Food Companies 
CommercialWare, Inc. Riggers Manufacturing Company 
Compaq Computer Corporation RK Consulting, LLC 
Computer & Communications Industry Association Roan Solutions, Inc. 
Computer Task Group Robert Bosch Corporation 
Computing Technology Industry Association Robotic Vision Systems Inc. 
Concero Rockwell 
Context Learning Corporation Rogers Corporation 
Continental General Tire Inc. Roving Software 
Corex Technologies Corporation RSA Security Inc. 
Corning Incorporated  RS of A 
Cotelligent Inc.  Rubber Manufacturers Association 
Cuisine Solutions, Inc.  Sabre Inc. 
Cummins Engine Company  SafeNet Consulting, Inc. 
Cypress Semiconductor Corporation  Sai Software Consultants, Inc. 
DaimlerChrysler Corporation  Segue Software 
Datafit Inc.  Semiconductor Equipment and Materials Internationa
Deere & Company  Semiconductor Industry Association 
Deloitte & Touche LLP  Siemens Corporation 
Delphi Automotive Systems  Siemens Medical Systems, Inc. Nuclear Medicine Group 
Diffraction International Ltd.  Silverline Technologies, Inc. 
Digital River, Inc.  SmarterKids.Com 
The Digital Dialogue Forum  Society for Human Resource Management 
Dow Jones & Company, Inc.  SOS Staffing Services, Inc. 
The Dow Chemical Company  SoftInWay 
Doxis, Inc.  SoftLinx, Inc. 
Duke University  Soft Pro International, LLC 
Dupont  Software & Information Industry Association 
Dywidag Systems International USA, Inc.  Software Solutions Group 
Eastman Kodak Company  Solectron Corporation 
EchoStar Communications Corp.  SolidWorks Corporation 
Eclipsys Corporation.  Spatial Technology Inc. 
Edelman Public Relations Worldwide  Square D Company 
Edison, New Jersey Mutex Systems, Inc.  Stanford University 
Electronic Industries Alliance  Still-Man Heating Products, Inc. 
Electronic Services, Inc.  Stolt-Nielsen Transportation Group 
Eli Lilly and Company  StorageTek 
EMC  Subscriber Solutions, Inc. 
EM Solutions  Sun Microsystems, Inc. 
EMCORE Corporation  Superior Industries Int'1 Ire. 
Employers Association of West Mass, Inc.  Super Budget, Inc. 
Enhanced Memory Systems, Inc  SUPERVALU Inc. 
Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.  Swartzel Electric 
Ernst & Young LLP  Synchronics, Inc. 
ESRI  Syracuse University 
Essex Investment Management  System Solutions, Inc. 
Everest Consulting Group, Inc.  Technologic Software Concepts, Ire. 
Fairchild Semiconductor International  TechTarget.com
Fishman Transducers  Technology Workforce Coalition
Fluor Corporation  Tecnova, Inc.
Ford Motor Company  Tektone Sound & Signal Mfg, Inc.
Framework Technologies Corp  Telcordia Technologies
F-Secure Inc.  Telecommunications Industry Association
Fuller Company  Teloquent Communications
Gap Inc.  TESCO Engineering, Inc.
Garmin International, Inc.  Texaco, Inc.
GC America Inc.  Texas Instruments
General Motors Corporation  The Timken Company
GenRad, Inc. The Thomson Corporation
German-American Chamber of Commerce of the Midwest, Inc. ThinClient Technology Corporation
Genuity Thomson & Thomson
Golin/Harris International TboughtWorks, Inc.
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company Ticonderoga Capital
Grant Thornton LLP TimeVision, Inc.
Greenberg Farrow Architecture Engineering Development Tone Software Corporation
Greenbrier & Russel, Inc. TPI Composites, Inc.
Group 1 Software, Inc. Travelocity.com Inc.
GTE Services Corporation TriSoft Solutions, Inc.
Guidant Corporation TRW Inc.
Halliburton Company Tulane University
HandsFree Networks TUSIAD-US Inc.
Harris Corporation TUV America,
Harvard Design & Mapping TUV Product Service Inc.
Harvard University TUV Management Service Wave Syste
Hawtal Whiting, Inc. N.A. Xchange, Inc.
Hewlett-Packard UCA Computer Systems, Inc.
Honeywell Technology U-Know Software
i2 Technologies Unigraphics Solutions
IBC USA Conferences United Technologies Corporation
ILEX Incorporated University of California
iCopyright.Com University of Cincinnati
iGate Capital University of Houston
ILX Systems University of Louisville
InCert Software University of Maryland
Infinium Software University of Miami
Information Technology Association of America University of Missouri at Columbia
Information Technology Industry Council University of Missouri at St. Louis
Ingersoll-Rand Co. University of Southern California
Inmagic, Inc. University of Washington
Integrated Computer Solutions, Inc. University of Wisconsin - Madison
Intel Corporation UNOVA, Inc.
Inteliant Corporation UOP LLC
International Business Machines Corp. US Chamber of Commerce
International Electronics Manufacturers and Consumers of America U.S. Wireless Corporation
International Paper Vanderbilt University
International Rectifier Viatech Inc.
Intersoft Technologies, Inc. Viet My Corporation
Intrinsix Corp. ViON Corp. 
iXL, Inc. Virginia Industries 
Jarg Corporation Vizooal 
Keane, Inc. Washington University in St. Louis
KeyCommerce, Inc. WebManage Technologies, Inc. 
Kinetic Computer Corporation The Western Connecticut Industrial Council 
KLA - Tencor Westwood Studios 
Krupp Polysius Corp. Whirlpool 
Leapnet, Inc.  White Consolidated Industries, Inc. 
Learning Curve International  William Flair & Company
Learning Tools International  World .Recreation Inc. 
Lightbridge, Inc.  Wright & McGill Co.
Lodestar Corporation  WRQ, Inc. 
LPA  Xilinx, Inc. 
ADEPT, Inc. Xyvision Enterprise Solutions, Inc. 
Advanced Software Systems Inc. Yamamoto Moss Yard Productions Inc. 
Advanced Technologies Integration Inc. ZeŁer Corp. 
Agilent Technologies Zoesis, Inc. ZS Associates, Inc.

Individually Addressed to the Full House
June 6, 2000

The Honorable Neil Abercrombie
U.S, House of Representatives
1502 LHOB
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Representative Abercrombie:

On behalf of the American Business for Legal Immigration Coalition (ABLI), we want you to know of our strong support for H.R. 3983, the HI-TECH Act. The bill, which temporarily raises the cap on H-1B visas, addresses the critical workforce shortage American employers face; particularly fox jobs requiring degrees in math, science and engineering.

Three trends are at the crux of the problem: Unemployment is at a record, 30-year low. Demand for professionals with highly specialized skills has soared, while the number of American students graduating from U.S. universities with undergraduate degrees in math, science, engineering and other technical disciplines has declined. Finally, the way companies design, manufacture and market products and services around the globe demands international personnel mobility. Unfortunately, American employers are finding it increasingly difficult to locate and recruit professionals to meet current project demands. Failure to raise the cap to allow access to highly educated foreign professionals, many of whom were educated at U.S. universities, will result in lost sales, delayed projects and other setbacks that will threaten the technological preeminence of U.S. industry.

H.R. 3983 would provide immediate relief to employers. It would ensure that a number of visas are clearly reserved for individuals with master's degrees and above, as well as for individuals working for institutions of higher education and non-profit research organizations. Moreover, it would institute changes to the green card process that would help to alleviate some oŁ the pressures that are currently borne by the H-1B program. The bill also directs funds raised by the fee to effective education and training programs that help lay the groundwork for longer-term solutions to the worker shortage issue. H.R. 3983 enjoys broad bipartisan support from Members across the country.

While H.R. 4227 does acknowledge the need to adjust the cap, we do not believe that it provides the necessary changes to deliver meaningful relief. Indeed, H.R. 4227 imposes burdensome new requirements on the H-1B program that would make the program unusable for many employers.

With the cap on H-113's already expired; the need to address this issue quickly is acute. We cannot afford to maintain an artificial cap on our technology-driven economy. We look forward to working with you to pass H.R. 3983 in the weeks ahead. Should you have any additional questions or need more information, please go to www.pam.org/~hrp/ABLI. htm, or contact Sandy Boyd at (202) 637-3133.

