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H-1B Visa LCA Database Search Form


Database Tutorial

Easy Search Form

Choose a Company

Enter Number of Records to Return


Note: There are many more companies in the database

Advanced SearchForm


Choose a Job Category:

There are 278 to choose from. Coming soon 200 more!


Enter Job Location:

City Name



Enter Company Name:


Enter Number of 
Records to Return


hint: If you are not sure what to choose, click the Reset button to set all boxes to Search All.

There are currently  615,135 Records in the H-1B Visa Database 

 Job Titles are grouped into 157 categories  for the Category Search

Updated 10/4/2000

Do you want to look at some    LCA Statistics?


Notice: Due to increased web traffic I have to limit your query to 150 records. I will need to go to a different database server in order to handle more traffic. If your web search gets a "No page found" wait awhile and try again.  I hope to improve this situation soon.
