Labor Condition Applications

The process of hiring an H-1B begins when employers file a Labor Condition Application (LCA) with the Department of Labor, form ETA 9035. In this application the employer is required to attest: (1) that it will pay H-1B aliens prevailing wages or actual wages, whichever are greater; (2) that it will provide working conditions that will not adversely affect the working conditions of U.S. workers similarly employed; (3) that there is no strike or lockout at the place of employment; and (4) that it has publicly notified its employees of its intent to employ H-1B workers. In addition, the employer must provide the information required in the application about the number of aliens sought, occupational classification, wage rate, the prevailing wage rate and the source of such wage data, the date of need and period of employment.

You Decide if American Companies Comply with if he Conditions Set by the H-1B Visa Law


Allsport Photography USA
American Crystal Sugar
Cisco Systems
Compaq Computer
Dell Product LP
Enviromental Laboratories
Fujitsu Network Comm
Pony Travel
Salvation Army
Shell Chemical Company
U-Haul International
University of California - Riverside
University of Michigan
Pharmacia and Upjohn
Washington University


Allsport Photograhpy USA

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American Crystal Sugar

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Cisco Systems

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Compaq Computer

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Dell Product LP

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Environmental Laboratories

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Fujitsu Network Communication

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Pony Travel

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Salvation Army

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Shell Chemical

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U-Haul International

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University of California Riverside

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University of Michigan

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Pharmacia and Upjohn

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Washington University

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