This letter was sent to pharmacists all over the United States. The Air Force is not aiming high when it comes to age. Would the Air Force discriminate against older pharmacists if H-1B didn't supply so many young pharmacists to the US?

Air Force Pharmacist







Dear Pharmacist,

The Air Force has openings for pharmacists in its Biomedical Sciences,, Corps.' Highly qualified individuals may apply for challenging positions in our worldwide health care system.

You'll prepare medications-and manage phaxfiaceutical,sarvices in-Air-Forceclinics, hospitals and medical centers. You'll consult with other health care professionals and advise patients on the proper use of medications. Your work will bring you into daily contact with other health care professionals whose common goal is to promote and protect the health of the Air Force community.

Be part of a professional team and continue to expand your career horizons. You'll avoid the hassles of operating a business and concentrate on what you do best. We-11 help you meet your annual continuing education requirements. Career officers have the opportunity to obtain advanced degrees at Air Force expense.

You'll enjoy a competitive pay and benefits package, worldwide travel, the chance to meet new people and an opportunity to serve your country. Plus, we offer 30 days of vacation with pay each year, reduced prices at military department and grocery stores, on-base recreational facilities and eligibility for officers' club membership.

AIM HIGH. Find out how the Air Force can help you achieve your professional and personal goals by calling me today at (602) 968-8721.



  • US Citizen
  • Bachelors of Science in Pharmacy
  • 40 years of age or less


