J.D. Hayworth Shuns American Taxpayers for H-1Bs 

Dear Congressman Hayworth :

I received your letter dated October 19, 1998. In this letter you try to explain why you support the Workforce Improvement and Protection Act of 1998, which has the effect of allowing a greatly increased number of foreign engineers into the country. 

You state in the letter (as one reason why you supported this Act) that "these individuals contribute to the economy and pay taxes to the federal government." Guess what? So do we, the American Citizens that you are supposed to represent! Don't forget that  we also pay taxes and contribute to the economy! 

I personally know of people  that have lost their jobs (or are being threatened with job loss) due to layoffs at the major companies that are so interested in hiring these lower-paid foreign engineers. If there is such a shortage of "home-grown talent" (to use your words), then why are these companies having such massive layoffs? 

Would you be interested in talking to one of these "home grown" engineers, who has spent the majority of 1998 unemployed? I could put you in contact with him. Your letter shows a shallow understanding of the situation from the perspective of those you have been elected to represent. It  shows that you have heard only the side of the big corporations who so desperately want to hire these lower-paid engineers at the expense of the "home grown talent." Why don't you hear our side as well?  

Since you are so interested in taking away American jobs, I will vote to take away your job next week on Election Day. I will post  your letter in my work area so that others may see your response and they will  surely vote (with their spouses) to take your job away. Look at the bright side: you can return to TV sports.

A Phoenix area software engineer



October 19,1998

Dear (to engineer that wrote letter):

Thank you for contacting me to express your opposition to H.R. 3736, the Workforce Improvement and Protection Act of 1998. 1 supported H.R. 3736 when it passed the House of Representatives on September 24, 1998 by a vote of 288 to 133, and I would like to explain why.

As you may know, HR- 3736 would amend the Immigration and Nationality Act by increasing thc access of U.S. firms and institutions of higher education to skilled personnel and by expanding educational and training opportunities for American students and workers.  Current law allows 65,000 highly skilled workers into the U.S. each year to work in the ever-expanding information technology industry. This industry, which started with a handful of companies a few decades ago, now employs more than four million people. The hardware and software industries account for one-third of our real economic growth. This exponential growth means that there is a high skilled labor shortage that threatens the competitiveness of American companies in this new Informanon Age economy. That is why a coalition of America's leading businesses strongly supports increasing the amount of highly skilled workers allowed in our country to work each year.

Some may question the need to allow foreigners into our country to work, but these individuals contribute to the economy and pay taxes to the federal government. Furthermore, if American companies cannot find home-grown talent, and if they cannot bring workers to this country, a large number are likely to move key operations overseas, sending those and related jobs currently held by Americans with them. While companies may need to have some operations abroad, we should not keep in place unnecessary restrictions that artificially drive employees to send more operations out of the country.

H.R. 3736 would amend current law to increase the number of highly skilled workers admitted into the U.S. through 2002. Over the next five years, the total rises from 65,000 to 95,000 in 1999, 105,000 in 2000, and 115,000 in 2001 and 2002. In 2003 the amount of highly skilled workers admitted would drop back to the current law level of 65,000. This legislation was included in the Omnibus Appropriations bill that Congress passed and the President signed into law.

In another letter, you expressed your support for reducing legal immigration. There are several proposals that would reduce legal immigration, but Congress did not consider them before the amendment. If I should have the opportunity to vote on reducing legal immigration in the future, I will certainly keep your support in mind. Thanks again for contacting me with your concerns. I hope to hear from you soon.

JD Hayworth


