Bob Stump- republican from Arizona, is one of the few politicians that understand what H-1B means for American workers.

Letter 1: Explains why he is against raising the H-1B cap
Letter 2: Stump discusses H-1B fraud

Bob Stump - H-1B Opponent




October 4, 2000

Dear Mr. ,

I would like to take this opportunity to follow up on your previous communication expressing your opposition to an increase in the number of temporary work visas allotted to highly skilled foreign workers under the H-1 B program.

The House and Senate recently approved legislation to raise the H- 1B cap. President Clinton is expected to sign the bill. It will increase the number of visas issued under the H-1B category from 115,000 this year to 195,000 for each of the next three years. Under current law, the ceiling is scheduled to drop to 107,500 visas next year and 65,000 in fiscal year 2002.

The Senate passed the bill on October 3 by a vote of 96 to 1. Later that day, House leaders brought the bill to the House floor and it passed by voice vote. Passage of the bill in the House was an unexpected twist to what has been a protracted and contentious debate on whether the H-1B cap should be increased. As you know, I am opposed to raising the cap. There is no objective and reliable evidence of a shortage of American high-tech workers. The demand for additional visas may indicate a preference for cheap foreign labor or replacement workers. Moreover, I am concerned about reports that the H-1B program is vulnerable to fraud. Unfortunately, the bill passed by the House and Senate does not contain effective anti-fraud measures or adequate safeguards to protect American workers.

I regret that I do not have more encouraging news to convey. Despite this setback, let me assure you that I will not abandon my work for a more restrictive immigration policy that truly represents America's best interests. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.





May 17, 2000

Dear Mr. ,

Thank you for your letter urging me to oppose legislation to increase the number of temporary work visas allotted to highly skilled foreign workers under the H-IB program.

I understand your reservations about expanding the H-1B program, and have worked against all previous attempts to increase the H-1B ceiling. Various bills are currently pending in Congress to raise the H-1B cap. They offer differing approaches to H-1 B reform and it is too early to predict how Congress will proceed.

I am opposed to raising the H-1B cap for several reasons. The government has identified fraud in the program and there is no compelling evidence of a labor shortage. High-tech firms laid off more than 140,000 Americans last year while simultaneously lobbying Congress to increase the H-IB cap. I am also troubled by reports of age discrimination against middle-aged American computer programmers. I believe the high demand reflects a preference for foreign workers and the cheaper foreign labor H-1B visa holders represent.

If a high-tech labor shortage truly exists, our priority should be to improve the skills of American workers, not turn to foreign labor. We must also examine our immigration policy in its entirety. We admit almost one million legal immigrants annually with no regard to their education and skills. Approximately 35 percent of legal immigrants lack a high school education. Conversely, 90 percent of new jobs in the next century will require more than a high school diploma. The answer to America's labor needs cannot be found in cursory immigration increases. Instead, we must improve our immigration system so that it reflects America's changing economy.

Again, thank you for writing. You may be certain that I will continue to monitor the H-1B bills as they advance. If an increase is imminent, I will work to ensure that the legislation contains the necessary safeguards to stop companies from displacing American workers with foreign labor.



